What’s ConnectU?
ConnectU is an application that helps underprivileged high school students put their best foot forward in their college application. We do this by providing a platform that centralizes and supplies all the resources a disadvantaged student will need, from writing coaches and scholarship opportunities to consulting from industry professionals and mentors about anything from appropriate majors to SAT and ACT Prep.
The Problem
There are many Students who are unable to provide ample time and energy toward their college searches, readiness and applications due to their unfortunate circumstances regarding family or lack of support.
The Solution
Create an organization that helps these children with their nexts steps in terms of college, by creating an Online platform that centralizes and supplies the resources a disadvantaged student will need.
The Task
Design the mobile application that will be the complimentary platform to the website, and incorporate the three key features, a forum, The mentor program, and trackable progress of applications.
A place for students and mentors to discuss college related topics, the feed can be organized by what school(s) you’re going to or by when it was posted.
Students connect with mentors, who are industry professionals and Alumni of the school the student wants to go to through the forum, and select students have mentors who are also responsible for the applications’ progress.
With ConnectU, Students will have their application process broken down into steps and categories, all of which are customized according to the mentor/student relationship, as well as grouped for easy and trackable progress.